A content writer is posed with the challenge of coming up with relevant titles that will attract the target audience and present writing in a succinct and effective manner. A content writer might face several hurdles while executing a content plan, from a mental block to generating original and engaging content.
HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator
Often, the first block faced by a content writer is coming up with relevant topics to write upon. This is where HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator comes in. This tool does exactly what the name suggests: it generates blog topics that could give one enough to write about for months or even a year.
To use this tool, enter up to five nouns for topics one wants to write about. After that, click on the banner, “Give me Blog Ideas.” In a matter of seconds, the tool will generate a week’s worth of blog ideas. In case one’s interested in learning more, one can also avail a year’s worth of blog ideas as well as acquire more tips and advice on how to dynamize one’s SEO strategy. This tool guarantees that one’s blog ideas will stay private and will never be shared with any other users. The coolest part, though, is that it’s free!
A favorite amongst content-writing professionals, Grammarly is an AI-based typing assistant that reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes in English language text. Grammarly uses AI to search and identify errors or redundant phrases as well as suggest corrections that could substitute the same.
Grammarly can be used in the form of a desktop application to utilize in MS Word, or in online form, where one can upload a document and begin editing in Grammarly’s in-build text editor. One can set a tone (such as authoritative, informational, friendly, etc.) that one wants to achieve while writing. Grammarly will generate a score based on the errors and language that oner text contains. It will also indicate what oner test sounds like in terms of tone so that one can make changes to oner language accordingly. Grammarly’s basic functions can be used for free, while advanced features can be availed through a subscription.
Headline analyzer
Generating topics for content is one hurdle, presenting those headlines in the most attractive way possible is another. A good headline can, after all, decide whether a user visits the content at all. CoSchedule’s headline analyzer will score oner overall headline quality and rate its ability to result in social shares, increased traffic, and SEO value. Basically, this tool allows one to examine the SEO score of one’s headlines, as well as create a headline according to a particular tone. This is to help ensure that the headlines one uses for one’s content contain all the key requirements of an SEO-optimized headline that can attract audiences and generate leads. Although this tool is free, it offers limited number of tries per day.
Focus Writer
Sometimes, the clutter of a Word document or too many parameters to adhere to can be distracting and overwhelming. It can prove to be more productive to let oner creative juices flow and focus only on writing without the distraction of social media notifications, and other paraphernalia on the screen. A distraction-free environment is more conducive for a content writer who is tasked with generating large amounts of meaningful content on a daily basis. Further, writer’s block is not uncommon amongst content writers. To address this issue, a content writer could use FocusWriter. FocusWriter is an innovative free tool that has a simple, distraction-free interface to help one achieve the perfect writing environment.
As a budding content writer, one may be assigned to write articles which don’t have a word limit but which have a maximum reading time. Seasoned writers frequently base their idea of how long an article should be on how long it takes to read it. This is because content needs to be optimized for the average time a user spends on a particular website. Otherwise, the webpage or content page is at risk of being overlooked. Certain technical guides and educational sites especially utilize reading time in order for it to get maximum engagement. But how does one calculate reading time of an article? Read-O-Meter is a free tool that can be used to generate a reading time for any article, and this tool does not impose a word limit for assessing the same. Its calculations are based on the average reading speed which is around 200 words per minute.
Small SEO Tools Content Analysis
Small SEO tools has a plethora of tools which are worth exploring and can be immensely useful for content writers. A tool offered by Small SEO tools that is incredibly useful is the content analysis tool which helps one create the ideal SEO-optimized piece of content. This tool has an inbuilt text editor which allows users to write an article while meeting all the parameters required to produce SEO-optimized content. It also enables one to create a page title and a meta description, as well as ensure proper keyword density. One can generate an SEO score based on how many parameters one’s content fulfills. Some of the parameters include adding proper headings, creating a proper headline, adding image with appropriate alt text, as well as interlinking of webpages, which can be hard to keep track of if you’re editing the content manually.
Small SEO tools Plagiarism Checker
Any content writer is required to ensure that his or her content is completely original. It is not only a professional and ethical requirement demanded from clients, but is also something that search engines systematically examine. Plagiarized content typically does not rank well on search engines. Sometimes, one may attempt to write a completely original piece but it can still contain plagiarism. Inadvertent or not, it is important to use a tool to weed out any plagiarized content from your writing. Advanced plagiarism checkers such as Turnitin and Urkund are quite expensive. But for the purposes of content writing, Small SEO Tools offers a free plagiarism checker which allows for assessment of 1000 words, above which, a subscription is required. It highlights any big similarities in content found online and is a good indicator of what content might get highlighted if run through a higher-end programme.
If you are a new business looking to creating engaging and educative content for your business, then these tools will help you write better. If you prefer to outsource content strategy and content writing, then connect with us to create content that drives traffic and increases awareness about your brand. This will help free up your time to focus on building a business that you are passionate about.